Anyone who plays musical instruments should have these 5 apps

Published by Carolina on


If you are a musician, singer-songwriter or play a musical instrument, there are 5 apps made for you.

The use of technology has become an essential part of developing, creating and learning musical activities.

With these applications, you can improve skills, record music, download sheet music and much more.


Today, we will indicate some of them, which are intended to help amateurs or professionals.

Check out the 5 apps that every music lover should have on their cell phone below.

Music Writer – Music Composer

The first app is ideal for create and edit music on your own cell phone.


With it, the user can:

  • Add, remove and modify notes;
  • Adjust the rhythm;
  • Adjust the tone;
  • Include lyrics.

It is also possible to play songs before and after they are ready, and adjust the volume.

Furthermore, it allows the sharing via MIDI, PDF and MusicXML.


It also allows you to connect to other MIDI devices.

It is perfectly useful for beginners and professional composers.

This app has several free features, but it also has a Premium version, making the experience complete.

Music Wirter – Music Composer can be found for download on the system android.

Dolby On


In the second app, we have tools free, which are essential for the user to record music.

The app is ideal for musicians and composers to put their projects into practice.

It allows the user to record music in an easy and practical way, with professional studio quality.

The app has tools for dynamic equalization and noise reduction.

Furthermore, Dolby On allows the user to improve audio and video quality.

Easily, your project can also be shared on social media.

The Dolby On app can be downloaded on operating systems  android It is iOS.


The third application performs the function of a musical instrument tuner.

With it, you can tune 15 string instruments different, such as:

  • Guitar;
  • Guitar;
  • Low;
  • Ukulele.

The app has features to help you read tablatures, learn and play chords and provides access to song lyrics.

It also has: 

  • Multiple tunings;
  • Rope game to improve skills;
  • Sound recognition.

In addition to being available on free version limited, there is also the full version with paid plan.

The GuitarTuna app can be found on android It is iOS.

Rhythm Coach

In this fourth app, the user has tools that help improve their rhythmic skills.

Counting on exercises which can be done daily in a practical way, taking 10 to 15 minutes.

The app aims to improve musical techniques for those who study alone or in classes with a teacher.

It also helps in rhythm development for those who play instruments or for those who write scores.

In addition to the option of being connected via MIDI to an instrument such as a digital piano or guitar.

The app is available in a free version or paid plan.

The Pace Trainer can be downloaded to the system android.

Perfect Ear

The fifth and final app is one of the best options for improving your musical skills.

Being able to help with a variety of issues, such as improved rhythmic sense.

The app has exercises for training:

  • Breaks;
  • Chords;
  • Rhythms.

In addition to resources for theoretical training, melodic dictations, reading exercises, solfeggio, chord dictionary and more.

The app is free and can be ideal for beginners or professionals from music.

Perfect Ear is available at android It is iOS.

