Keep your WhatsApp Safe: Simple Steps to Avoid Hacking

Published by Carolina on


In this day and age, where digital communication is so essential, WhatsApp has become an indispensable tool for many.

With the new WhatsApp update, user security has received a crucial boost.

However, it is critical that users also take responsibility for the security of their own accounts.


Here are some simple steps you can follow to prevent your WhatsApp from being hacked.

Check WhatsApp Update

First of all, make sure you are using the latest version of Whatsapp.

Frequent updates often include security patches that help protect your account against potential threats.

Account Settings: Essential Protection

  1. Open WhatsApp on your device and tap the three-dot icon in the top right corner to access the menu.
  2. Then go to “Settings” and select “Account”.
  3. Within the account settings, you will find the “Email Address” option.
  4. Click on this option to enter your email address.
  5. Carefully enter your email address and confirm to save it.
  6. This email address will serve as an additional layer of security for your account.

Account Recovery: Importance of Email Address


By adding your email address to your WhatsApp account settings, you will strengthen your account security.

If for any reason your account is compromised or hacked, the email address will be crucial to recovering it.

When an attacker tries to take control of an account using a cell phone number, the presence of a registered email address makes their efforts difficult.

Keep your Account Protected


In addition to following the steps above, there are other measures you can take to keep your account secure:

– Never share your SMS verification code with anyone.

Even if the request appears legitimate.

– Activate the two-step authentication for an extra layer of security.


This requires a security code whenever you try to verify your account on a new device.

– Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading files from unknown sources that could compromise the security of your device.

And, consequently, your WhatsApp.

Your Security in Your Hands

With the new WhatsApp update, user security has received a welcome boost.

However, it is critical that users also take proactive steps to protect their accounts.

Follow all the simple steps outlined above.

And adopt conscious digital security practices.

With this, you can ensure that your WhatsApp stay safe and secure from unwanted intrusions.

Remember, the security of your account is in your hands.
